Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Show Me A Sign

On Friday, Benjamin had another bronchoscopy and also had more excess tissue removed around his trach. After the doctor had a look, he told us that Ben's trachea is constricted due to the scar tissue that formed after his cyst was taken out. He said that it could be years before Ben is ready to have the trach removed.

In my mind, I had been building this image that the trach would be out by the end of the year, and Ben would just be a few months behind developmentally. Now that this looks less likely, we have to prepare more seriously for raising a child who may have little or no speaking abilities for several years. As a first step, we picked up a sign language book this weekend and will start working a few signs into our daily routine. Whether God continues to bless Ben with quick healing or gives us the challenge of dealing with the trach, we'll try to see it as an opportunity for God to do great things through Ben.

And now it's time for some professional photos taken by Jenny Connell.


Alisha said...

I love these photos -- those big eyes and that smile! I love Ben's expression in the first one. It looks like he's hatching a plan.

Mushryl said...

GREAT photos! What a cute kid.

I'm sorry about Ben's trach news, your family is continually in my prayers.

Amanda said...

Those are precious! We will keep praying.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for posting all the updates and beautiful pictures. I am a NICU nurse at SJMC and was in the delivery room the morning Ben was born. He is truly a miracle and we have all been blessed by his life. Thanks again for keeping this site going-we all love seeing the newest pictures and news!

Jason said...

Sweet pictures. What a happy little boy. You will remain in our prayers. We will pray for strength for each moment and each piece of news. -- Nicole Whaley

LYNN said...

HEY! I LOVE love love love those photos. He has your big beautiful mouth Whit! He is so happy and gorgeous. I am so upset to hear about the news, but since he is going to be President of the United States of America someday he will have to catch up. AND he will catch up quickly in Jesus name. He is a fighter. Love you guys. Lynn Valdez (Stahl)

Anonymous said...

hey guys, not sure if you remember me whit, kate scholefield from canberra, anwyay i keep an eye on your blog as a source of encouragement as i so admire the faith that comes through all the challenges you guys have. ben is a super cute little fellow - i love those pics, and i can only imagine how tough it would be learning that his health issues are not going away quickly. your familys journey is an example of faith to so many ppl... thankyou for that and i can see God working thru u guys. God bless and i pray for fast healing from a God who has a plan for you guys thats full of blessings... xx kate

Sharkdog said...

is that a Hobbes of Calvin and Hobbes fame he has with him?

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful boy!! I love checking your blog and seeing pics and hearing about your amazing faith!!

insun said...

Thank you for those beautiful photos! I will keep praying God to remove Ben's trach as soon as possible. HE is good, has done everything good for us. And I believe HE will do something good for Ben, too.

insun said...

Today I saw the photos of Ben on his firstday in this world. And again I see today's Ben's big smile. Isn't it amazing? Isnss't it thankful? Through Ben I can strenghen my faith.Thank you, Adrienne, Whitt, and Ben.